MCP Master Income Trust (MXT) – Quarterly Update March 2020
Key Points
- Despite material economic headwinds and current public market volatility, MXT’s portfolio continues to deliver capital stability reflected in the daily published NAV.
- MXT always has and continues to exceed its Target Return (RBA Cash Rate +3.25% pa (net of costs)). Past performance may not be repeated.
- MXT’s Unit Price has traded below NAV with funds associated with Metrics acquiring MXT units.
- MXT’s underlying portfolio is appropriately diversified and while some borrowers are experiencing the demand, supply and / or liquidity impacts of COVID-19, loans to which MXT is exposed have covenants, controls, security and equity buffer to enable Metrics as investment manager of the funds in which MXT is invested to actively manage risk to protect capital value.
- Metrics Credit Partners Diversified Australian Senior Loan Fund (~60% of MXT capital) has been upgraded by S&P to a higher investment grade rating of A- (stable outlook).
Download the full quarterly update below for further information regarding the portfolio impact of COVID-19.
02 April 2020
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