Award-Winning Investment Solutions
Metrics offer both ASX-listed and unlisted investment strategies that provide investors with an attractive fixed income alternative, uncorrelated to listed equities and public market debt securities.
The Metrics Master Income Trust (ASX:MXT) seeks to deliver monthly cash income through a diversified portfolio of direct corporate loans with a focus on capital preservation. MXT listed on the ASX on October 9, 2017. It has obtained a Highly Recommended rating from Zenith Investment Partners, Lonsec Research and Bond Adviser. It is also rated Recommended Plus by Independent Investment Research.
The Metrics Income Opportunities Trust (ASX:MOT) seeks to provide exposure to a range of borrowers and private credit instruments that are typically not available to retail investors. MOT listed on the ASX on April 29, 2019 and aims to pay income distributions monthly. It has obtained a Recommended rating from Zenith Investment Partners, Lonsec Research, Bond Adviser, and Independent Investment Research.
The Metrics Direct Income Fund is an unlisted equivalent of the successful ASX-listed Metrics Master Income Trust (MXT). It launched in July 2020 and has obtained a Highly Recommended rating by Zenith Investment Partners, Bond Adviser and Lonsec Research. It is also rated Recommended Plus by Independent Investment Research.
For investors such as superannuation funds, insurance companies, charities, family offices, and high-net-worth individuals, we provide access to a range of investment options. These include funds where Metrics lends for corporate, commercial real estate, acquisition, project and infrastructure purposes. Our ability to invest across industries, loan products and the full credit risk spectrum means we can allocate capital to the most attractive investments seeking to deliver for investors.
Our team carries out its own work on the ground. Detailed upfront and ongoing financial risk analysis is combined with direct interactions with borrowers and independent experts, to assist us to form our own view of risk. This allows us to ensure strategies are implemented that seek to protect our investors’ capital from downside risk of loss while balancing the need to ensure that an investment seeks to deliver a fair return for investors.
People and our culture define our unique position in the market. We place significant value on the individual skills and talent of our team members and strive to maintain an environment that is diverse, inclusive and rewarding. At Metrics, our people are encouraged to contribute and work toward achieving outcomes for both our investor and borrower clients.