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Demystifying Debt Series

Common myths about private debt cloud understanding of a sector that, in reality, aims to offer both reduced capital volatility and attractive risk-adjusted returns to investors. These myths misinterpret key characteristics of the asset class to suggest it may be riskier than traditional assets such as equities and bonds, when it instead provides investors with an alternative that plays an important role in portfolios.

Watch our demystifying debt video series to find out why the 10 most common myths fail to capture the true attributes of well-managed private debt.

Myth 1 – A slowing economy increases the risk of loan defaults 

Lenders become more conservative and impose stricter terms and conditions on the borrower as the economy slows.

Video length: 2 min 47 sec

Myth 2 – A loan default is a credit loss to a lender

Lenders aim to spot early warnings signs and engage borrowers to understand how to mitigate risk and avoid a loss.

Video length: 1 min 8 sec

Myth 3 – Commercial real estate debt puts my capital at risk in the event of a property downturn

Risk of loss is borne by property owners, not lenders. Loan security also allows lenders to take control of assets.

Video length: 1 min 20 sec

Myth 4 – Dividends are a better source of income than private debt

An investment in secured private debt aims to deliver a lower risk means to an attractive income than dividends from equities.

Video length: 2 min 2 sec

Myth 5 – Equity investments are safer than private debt investments

Lenders protect capital by imposing terms and conditions on borrowers, as well as holding security. Such protections don’t apply to equities.

Video length: 1 min 1 sec

Myth 6 – All private debt managers are the same

Metrics directly originate loans and has the skillset in-house to provide investors exposure to a broad spectrum of borrowers from a range of sectors.

Video length: 3 min 10 sec

Myth 7 – When choosing a private debt manager, boutique is better

To be relevant in this market, you need to be large and scalable – with strong origination and risk management capabilities.

Video length: 1 min 24 sec

Myth 8 – If the loan is not secured, my investment is at risk

The decision to lend should be based on the ability of a company to generate consistent cashflow – through operations or asset sales – to service its debt.

Video length: 1 min 53 sec

Myth 9 – Non-bank lenders are lenders of last resort.

Our role is to find good quality companies that are seeking loans. We often work alongside banks, or even compete with them, to provide funding.

Video length: 1 min 14 sec

Myth 10 – Private debt is distressed debt

We lend to strongly performing companies with sufficient cashflow. Distressed debt is actually limited in Australia due to its corporate insolvency laws.

Video length: 2 min 23 sec

18 July 2023
*All investments carry some degree of risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of
future performance. Return of capital may not be achieved.
Metrics Credit Partners Pty Ltd ABN 27 159 646 996 AFSL 416 146 (Metrics) makes no representation or warranty with respect to the accuracy, completeness or currency of the content. The content is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice. It has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Independent advice should be obtained from an Australian financial services licensee before making investment decisions. To the extent permitted by law, Metrics excludes all liability for any loss or damage arising in any way due to or in connection with the publication of this content, including by way of negligence.